Gift From God

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. -Psalms 127:3 NLT

Enjoy Motherhood!!! God has placed us in authority over our children to instruct them in His ways and in order to do that we must establish good communication with our children. Here’s a few pointers on Ways to Develop Open Communication

1) Take the time to truly be with them – give them your undivided attention when having a conversation so they know Mom really wants to know about what I have to share.
2) Spend time with each child individually – run errands with them, cook dinner together or have a special date time.
3) Write a journal back and forth with each other.
4) Play a game together.
5) Take a walk.
6) Learn to be a good initiator of conversations and remember to be a good listener.
7) Take time to share about your day at the dinner table.
8) Enjoy a snack around the kitchen table – the kitchen table is always a great conversation starter especially when food is involved.
9) Let them express their opinions and be respectful of them even when you disagree.
10) Show them physical affection. Hugs and “I love you’s” should be part of your day.
And most important…
11)Pray with them. No matter how young or old your child is, take time and pray with them. If you have a teenager maybe 1 day of the week before bed say “Honey, lets say a short prayer together tonight.” or maybe take turns praying for something. ex, your pray for the sick, they pray for families etc.

~I’m not perfect but I practice these things with my children and I have no complains of the outcome. Besides, doing these things help you bond with your children! Children are a blessing…a precious gift from God!~ Rachael 😉

Contributed by”

  Rachael Salgado-Ortiz

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